Thursday, 6 April 2017

Top Team

Top Team

WALT: Write using a mix of simple, compound an complex sentences. We need to have correct punctuation and correct spelling.

On the 4th or April Blaketown school (excluding the little class) went to Paroa school to do top team. We had an early lunch at 11:00 something, then went to the school at 12:00. Once we got there we waited a bit sitting on the ground then after a couple minutes we were allowed to walk around while waiting. Some of us decided to play bull rush so we went over to a field and played for a couple minutes until we got called in for the people who held the game to talk about the rules and what to do.

After they talked about all that they gave a sheet to the leaders in teams that the teachers picked. On the sheet it says what activity you go to. There are 14 activities and my team started at activity 3. You get points for how well you do in the activities you do but you still do it for fun unless you’re really competitive about it for some reason.  I didn’t have the best team  and it was kind of difficult doing stuff when you team somehow doesn’t know how to move, but we did alright never the less.

The activities we did were things like trying to jump at the same time in bean bag to go forward or trying to walk at the same time on skis, which were really hard because that actually involved your entire team doing the one thing unlike some activities where it’s just one person at a time trying to throw a gumboot at a target and stuff like that.

At the end of the activities my team scored 209 and the highest scoring team got like 350 or some like that. My team definitely wasn’t the best but we tried, at least most of us did.

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