Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Toy ad

WALT: Create a poster/advertisement for our toy we have made

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Tiny House

Throughout the past month, or so, we have worked on making tiny houses Learning intention: We did this for a maths task using area, perimeter and geometry. And the objective was to build a tiny house using these skills. We had to design these houses ourselves, and use our imagination.

Monday, 14 November 2016


Success criteria:

Write a proper recount about the earthquake/s we felt


“Alright, go to bed” my mum said. “Hurry up, you got school tomorrow” she said. So me and my brother, Flynn, turned off our tablets and went to bed. I turned the T.V on, in our bedroom then watched some programs while Flynn was slowly falling to sleep. At around 10:00 or 11:00 P.M my mum came in thinking I was asleep, and turned the T.V off. I said “hi”, so she’d notice I was awake and then she said “go to sleep” kind of grumpily and turned one my radio, then went to my other brothers room and told him to go to sleep, his name was Logan.

Once I finally got to sleep I started to dream about fat unicorns jumping around on clouds and singing ‘Car Radio’ (by twenty one pilots), then my mum stopped that dream, waking me up. She said “get under the doorframe”, I didn’t know what was going but I blindly followed her instructions anyway. I took my blankets off, then when I stepped on to the ground, I could feel it shaking, it was an earthquake!

I ran to the doorframe, and stayed there, I was guessing it would only go for a couple seconds so I wasn’t scared at all, but when it went for over 30 seconds I started to feel a bit unsure, then the power cut out. I wasn’t so scared that I was screaming and crying but my legs were shaking a lot. After about a minute the earthquake stopped but the power was still out.

We went to check for any damage, so my mum grabbed a torch, and straight away we saw cups on the floor, smashed. That was the only thing that happened in the kitchen then when we went out to the lounge and saw that the antique plates and cups my mum had, had all smashed. My mum was more worried about our fish tank that had our Axolotl in it, so she checked over there first, half of the water in the fish tank was on the floor, we were worried that our axolotl  had fell out of the tank and checked around, but he was just hiding in a corner.

After a while I grabbed my tablet and played some offline games, then the power turned back on, so I went to facebook and took a picture of some of the damage and posted it on facebook, the wifi was still not fully on so I couldn't see any new posts but then it started to work after a while and saw everyone's posts. We were all talking to each other then an aftershock came, I went back to a doorframe and waited for it to stop, this was much smaller and did no damage to anything but the power went out again. It didn't go out for that long though so I got to go back onto facebook pretty quick.

Throughout the next hour we stayed awake going to the door frame every time there was a big-ish aftershock until I got to a point where I went back to sleep even if there was an aftershock.

Cabnet from after earthquake :P

Monday, 17 October 2016

The Shoe Story

Success Criteria:
A beginning having who, what, where, why when
Events having what happened in order the oreder they happened
Ending having what happened at the end and an comment that evaluates

WALT: Make a recount about something we did in the holiday from our shoes perspective.

The Beach  
On one nice day my owner grabbed me and slipped me onto his feet then walked out the door to his dad's truck. I was put under the seat behind me while the truck started driving down the street then before I knew it I got taken out of the truck and was on a big gravel car park. Then my owner walked  over some huge rocks to see a beach spreading across further than the eye can see, before I got a really good look at everything my owner started walking not on the beach but instead he started walking around the sanctuary then my owner said to his dad “what walk are we doing today” and his dad replied saying “around the sanctuary then we’ll go up to the tip and down to the beach back to the truck”.

Going around the sanctuary was quite boring, a couple times a bee would get near and my owner would do anything he could to avoid it which was basically all that happened except for the walking part . Once we got out of the sanctuary part of the walk we went up to the tip. When we got to the tip my owner started taking me over all the rocks to the very end of the tip and waited for a wave to come up. Luckily no waves came really high up, although some sea spray got me and the rocks were wet so I got quite damp.

After that we went down to the beach and made me get all sandy then my owner and his brother saw a bunch of foam and immediately ran over to it and started kicking around the foam at each other. It was like a giant water-park, but instead of it being all water it was all foam, eventually they stopped kicking it and just walked to the truck in it.

When they got to the truck I was drenched in foam and water and the dad wouldn’t even let me go into the front or the back seats, I had to go into the back of the trunk with the dog all the way back home and the dog constantly slobbered all over me and sniffed me so much that I wanted to jump out the trunk. I was able to keep my sanity and stay in the trunk all the way home, but when I got taken home I got thrown straight into the wash. Once the washing machine started it felt really weird.

First the washing machine filled up with a bunch of water and once the washing machine was filled with water the machine started spinning slowly and as time went on it started spinning faster, then the dirty water got spun out and fresher water started pouring in. This continued to happen for a couple of minutes, then the washing machine started spinning really fast for a while and all of a sudden stopped, then I got taken out of the washing machine and put by a window while the sun was out to dry them.
The humans were worried that I wouldn’t be dry in time for school as school was starting on Monday, But I drank all the water on me just in time for school and everything was alright, I wasn’t being covered in foam, school was back and nobody got hurt, except for me, I was under a body the whole time that was happening and nobody cared.

I had a good/bad time, it was fun, but foam is really itchy!        

By Kobe  

Friday, 23 September 2016

How To Make A Good Blog Comment

WALT: Make a presentation teaching people how to make a good blog comment

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Components of fitness

WALT: Make posters that are easily read and also we are leaning about the importance of fitness
Our schools fitness progress has grown quite a lot, from some people only being able to run a quarter of our field at the start of the year to now being able to run at least 1/2 of the field, at most all of the field and a bit. I've progressed as to only being able to run half without stopping to being able to run all of it and a little bit more if I decide to try really hard I could probably run over 2 laps without stopping and that's only with running 2 laps around our field a day and doing Jump Jam has helped a lot as well.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Evaluation On Speech

This is my evaluation for my speech, my speech will be below this post

My Shark speech

WALT: make speeches

Monday, 5 September 2016

Father Day

Fathers day is to thank your dad for all the hard work he has done to help you, it’s a special time because your dad gives you so much looking after you and on fathers day you get to give something back.We did this for social studies.

Friday, 2 September 2016


This is about the ancient olympics and the modern olympics.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Monday, 4 July 2016

My Mask

I learnt that creativity is sometimes hard to think of, you may have an idea in your head and think it’s really good, but it’s not. I had my design all sussed out then it completely failed and I had to use someone else's idea, putting glasses on, and splatter painting. I also learnt that you can’t just ask everyone to give you something and expect to get it, you have to do things yourself sometimes. My mask was blue with a black splatter paint over it, I had black glasses covering the holes for my eyes to look out, a black bandana that was from an old shirt my brother had, and I bought a hat at just incredible to use as well. I learnt that art isn’t always just a painting, it can pop out at you or it can be kind of 3D like mine, and I used two colours blue and black, with a tiny glimpse of white at the end of my bandana. This mask is part of sustainability because the actual mask is made of recycled paper,  I got the bandana from my brothers old shirt and this mask will never become waste.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Sustainability Slideshow

Hope u enjoy

Monday, 20 June 2016

Saturday, 11 June 2016